
R.O.W.® – “RESET”

Before a person or team can become proficient at any skill or sport, they need to begin with good posture, range of motion, and stability.

The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) allows me to identify any asymmetries and functional limitations in your movement patterns.  Every training session will begin with an FMS Screen, and I will determine what exercises may be appropriate in restoring proper movement patterns.

If certain issues are identified, I may recommend that you or your athletes see an appropriate specialist. We will explore physical capabilities by incorporating mobility training into all our training sessions. Mobility training builds confidence, and you will go home with drills and “movement homework” to practice everyday.


“Rebuilding a Rower” is for masters rowers and scullers that would like get back to enjoying and competing in the sport. For high schooI and collegiate level athletes, we will take your rowing and training to the next level.

In addition to taking one of the Athletic Profiles, and going through the FMS Screen, I will also video and break down your rowing technique. We will work towards integrating your program into your coach’s training program.

We will also gear your Mindset sessions towards communication with your coach and teammates.

For more information about R.O.W.®, the Functional Movement Screen, Video Analysis, and “Rebuilding a Rower” – Contact me!