

Understanding your “athlete mindset” allows you to raise your level  of self-awareness in your sport. You will begin to understand your personality and the behaviors that work for you.

This will keep you motivated and allow you to create a positive training environment. It will also carry over into your athletic competitions and performance.

I am certified to consult with you using three unique personality and behavior profiles. We will work together  to determine which profile is the right for you.


If you are a coach, it is important that you lead your athletes through clear communication and by your own example. You have the knowledge of your sport, and now you need to learn how to teach it.

We will determine which profile is right for you, and can also implement the same profile for your team.

If you are a parent, then it is important for you to understand your own athlete so that you can provide the right support at the correct time. As a parent, you may even want to take a profile, so you can determine your own “athlete mindset”.

I will work with each of you to help you find that “balance”.
For more information about R.O.W.®, the DISC Behavioral Profile, the Process Communication Model®, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and Team Seminars contact me!